Tuesday, May 1, 2007

How Many Stories Do You Have?

If everyone on the planet has a story, and, yes, they do, this means there’s at least how many stories in the world?

How many people are in the world?
there are approximately 25 more people in the world than there were when you started reading this paragraph.
Beyond that, there is, most likely, twice as many more., there is many more, because most have more than one story about themselves. One is the world’s view of their story.

The other one is the reality.

And yet the other saying:

There are three sides to every story, your side, my side, and the truth.

This is for those who have not come to practice the principle of complete honesty.

Now, now, don’t get offended by this. Don’t ever take anything personally if it does not truthfully apply to you. If your living your life on purpose, you should never be offended. Never take anything personally.

This is one of the four agreements



For an explaination of this.

So, as I was saying, so many stories exist, it makes me chuckle to think of how many people are trying to know them all. I’ve slowly come to learn that only my own story must be kept to one single story, and that story will be the truth. It is the only story which I should concern myself with.

Each day, I must continue practicing this idea.

Often I need my friends to really come out and tell me the truth. Everyone can have a tendency not to see the obvious truth about ourselves. This being because the truth can hurt our feelings.

Feelings are simply an indicator that a thought is occurring and causing us to react. React if it is a negative, harmful, or untruthful thought.

The reaction is called response if our emotions are in full balance. The true sign of this balance is called peace for lack of a better word. It is true conscious contact with spirit.

The true balance can only come from keeping vision on the truth.

By seeing the truth, or being enlightened, we are able to handle any change and grow with that change.

Most importantly for me, is that I must remain open minded that I may not be right, in any given situation, no matter how ridiculous it seems.

Open mouth, insert foot. It has happened to you, I don’t care who you are. If you haven’t I’m calling b******t!

Okay, it is probably time for me to get to a point. The point is that I believe that there is a way for the world to balance itself to a prime state of existence. When its spinning and circling and magnetizing, and so much more, according to new astronomy findings how can a balance be made?.

The explanation endless, but the only thing we are supposed to know is that there is a natural order of things. The ruling force of that existence will change from time to time; from era to era; from eon to eon.

Why does our mind want to quantify and prove that laws of the universe like the law of cause and effect are true.

Pretty self explanatory theory. Something causes something to happen.

The real cause of anything is not always the obvious one. Humankind’s failure to see this causes anger, disagreement, violence, and ultimately a breakdown of anything resembling OK-ness.


Mass media comes up in conversation almost constantly, plus the chattering of the populus that whines and yells in the frustration and fear in the world.

In the material world. In the world that we see, hear, smell, and even sometimes taste in the air. It’s easy to feel on the skin. The grime and filth we wash from our bodies if we live in the smog.

Lemmings? How many times in history have we been compared to the little buggers, running themselves off a cliff. For what purpose? No human could explain, sufficiently, why they continue to do it. They don’t realize that the power undeniably exists within every breathing human being to resist that instinct to do as the world deems, and be an individual, self-reliant, generous being on this earth. .

Spirit of life lives and flows through the moving blood within the body. Oxygen and all other life giving material used for fuel and maintenance … it’s all in there, like a machine.

Oh, my, this sounds way too much like a created machine. Let’s just for a moment not think of spirit as “thinking” just as truth. Let’s not suppose any of this was created or maintained, just that it exists because of a sum total of all the causes that have happened in the universe. The fact that it is a law of the universe that all things work on a pendulum type momentum.

Oh, way off track.

Point, point …

If everyone’s story becomes the true one, the world has no choice but to see the human race will survive. As a species, we can live to grow another eutopia from the ashes and the rubble.

The story of history ….

Pretty simple. I can’t see it not being revealed, soon.

Those who do not see “the truth”, whatever you may call your god, or lack thereof, exists. The truth exists. How can anyone deny it?

I’m trying not to ask …
The best way to know how many stories you have is to ask your best friend, in all seriousness, to tell you about yourself. If your best friend just laughs at you, get a new best friend and go ask your Mom. There is someone who will tell you about yourself, if you think hard enough.

Most of us can go into our own memoriy bank and think of someone we didn’t get along with, and listen to what they said to you at a given point. If it was something you remember, it struck a truth nerve, and you remembered it.


What is a resentment?

Webster's dictionary defines resentment as indignation or ill-will felt as a result of a real or imagined offense. Webster's
then refers us to the word anger and gives more examples of this idea. rage, fury, ire, wrath, resentment, and indignation.
These words suggest varying degrees of fear based behavior, … “from anger (strong, intense, and explosive) to the longer lasting resentment (ill-will, suppressed or unexpressed anger) caused by a sense of being wronged or being wrong”, to quote author Bill Wilson. In plain English , we got our feelings hurt by the said real or imagined offense.

When we can learn to see everyone as human, no matter how stupid, or evil they may seem, everybody’s got a story to tell. Think about what story you’re seeing.

Then take the time to ask yourself “How many stories do I have?”
