Monday, May 12, 2008

Finding Hope

Where does hope come from? ...
How do you have it if you don't want it ...
How do you, for that matter, want it if you really don't see the point.

It is such a tumultuous world in which we live, and therefore, it is often difficult to see the proverbial silver lining around anything.

Here is where the key of hope falls into place.

If we understand the principle of honesty and that being 100% honest *all* of the time is essential to our best interest, well, you must admit that hope is easy.

Hope is a choice to make.
This means there is a solution that can be made by you..

The truth is that there is always a solution.

The truth is, also, that it is not always going to be easy.

Please remember that anything in life that is worth anything of real value, often requires effort.

The Effort becomes easier, however, if one truly finds passion for what he believes.

Find a spark of passion for believing in yourself ... that spark is called hope ... *smile*.
Being without hope, honestly, does not make any sense.

If you are without it, the only logical choice is to give up ... guess what? Well, in my own belief, you get to.

There may or may not be more to it.

It's a simple choice you get to make whether to have hope and to believe.

A simple choice.

Surrender and give it a try.

If you have an interest in the Native American traditions and the lust for a spiritual lesson, well, check out a wonderful author named Mary Summer Rain.
"Mary Summer Rain is the author of over 25 books on spiritual philosophy, most notably of teachings she received from a Chippewa visionary woman, No-Eyes..."

Mary Summer Rain writes "The Visitation" which is her story of how she was visited by an Archangel who lays it right on the line as to man, his ego and inevitable downfall if he doesn't change to an attitude of love.

A very interesting read and it makes one think of his own responsibility for his own problems.
Hope is a continuous choice to make ...
All we have to do to find hope is observe. Observe someone or something that shows you that something is possible.

Look around and don't say

"Oh, I could never do that ..."

Take a closer look ... Most of the time, you will find someone who is no better, stronger, faster, or even more intelligent, , than you are.

We all have the same stuff, it's just that most of us are not in the same energy and attitude as others.

If we find hope that we could be ... might even really want to be ... well, then we have something.

So, back to hope I'd like to introduce you to a wonderful creature called the

ganges_dolphin_-_ravindra_sinha.jpg (12276 bytes)

There are two species of blind river dolphins in south Asia - the Indus (Platanista minor), and Ganges (Platanista gangetica) River dolphins. [They were
once thought to be the same species.] They do not have a crystalline eye lens, which makes them effectively blind. But the lack of vision is compensated
by highly developed sound imaging skills, also termed ‘echolocation’ – a sophisticated sonar system that is a navigation aid in the muddy and silted rivers.
Their blindness " …is one of the reasons why these dolphins swim on one side underwater, with one flipper trailing in the muddy riverbed. The physical
touch gives the dolphins important information about their surroundings and helps them find food."


... so what does this have to do with hope ...

when a mother of a 3 year old little boy, told him that he could use his fingers and his ears and his mouth to see, because his eyes didn't work anymore, she gave him hope ... well, his Mom's hope was what this little boy learned to do ... just like a dolphin or a whale ...
Read about him in People magazine at:,26334,1212568_1,00.html

and watch this video ...,,1213584,00.html

and he can also be seen in this video of him with John Blackstone, a journalist with CBS....

So, from the hope of believing that something you once thought impossible, ... well, think about it ...
Find a little faith ...
faith. ... Tune in next month for an interesting twist to this one ... *smile*

If we went by what our eyes could see Well, often the truth would be eluding us.

For those without eyes, it's how you perceive things ...

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