Sunday, July 26, 2009

A Real Life Manifestation

Well, hello, everyone,

It's been a long while since my last post and boy, do I have a story for you!

Get yourself a fresh beverage, sit back, and read about a whopper of a manifestation in my life.

I've spent much time reading about and learning the principles of healthy, balanced living and learning how to apply the methods of the so called "Secret" to be at peace in my life and have everything I want.

Well, I am of the belief that this secret is not, nor has it ever been a real secret.

For lifetimes throughout history, humans somewhere in the world used the practices of the law of attraction to know how to achieve things seemingly impossible to others who do not hold the same knowledge and beliefs.

So, my story begins about one month after my last post,over a year ago, when I was formally acquainted with someone I had met on a mailing list... a jokes mailing list to be specific.

and no joke, Bingo, through a series of humorous and a bit embarrassing events, we started corresponding and instantly and completely fell in love.

Somehow, We immediately connected and Allan and I became the fastest of friends and oh, so obviously more. I somehow knew I had met the man I had envisioned I might one day marry.

I had, not long before, decided to give up the looking for love approach and started to look for working on making my business into what I really wanted. I said to the univers ... I said, "universe, these are the things I want in a person and if, as unlikely as it seems that person is out there, somewhere, let our paths somehow cross.
I will not settle for nor be distracted by someone less than what I envision is right for me.

I said unlikely, because I couldn't imagine all the various and incompatible characteristics I had wished for all in the same person. Frankly, the guy would have to be a nut!

Universe, I said, If this man is out there show him to me, only when I am ready to have this happiness.

The best part is, before I ever told Allan about this amazing attraction thing, he said to me ... you are all the things I knew I wanted in a person and I had given up looking, I just accepted that such a person could never be found, because all these characteristics could not possibly co exist in one person.

He never once though, gave up on the idea of true love existing between two people who found their soul mates.
I feel this is why both of our visions of our perfect mate came to be manifested

A slight challenge to the whole thing, was that Allan lives in England and I live in Florida.
Not to worry, a first meeting trip was quickly booked and we met face to face in October. Two more trips soon followed in February and May. May's visit brought a proposal and beautiful ring.Each visit made us more and more sure that our destiny together in life was set.

Since Allan has a fantastic job where there is reasonable security and stability, obviously, the most prudent and wise choice was for me to move to England.

His accomidations could not support this idea, so our next visualization was of a place for us to be able to be together and live comfortably .

Well, within less than a month, the most wonderfully perfect place came into view. Again, through a series of wonderful coincidences and synchronicities it soon became ours and the moving began.

Some minor challenges have arisen as to how to get me over there. Things such as issues with getting my guide dog Walker into the country. Issues with my getting my passport, and other such basic things when relocating internationally.

As it now is, Allan has moved into the new quote "flat" unquote ... I'm gonna love learning a new language. grin ... He's got one more visit in November and I'll move in February.

These plans have changed and evolved to what they are over the past months, but, somehow, the universe's opportunities were given to us to get to our conclusion. No matter how hard we tried to plan things like we wanted, our plans just weren't manifesting and other options made themselves clear.

It became obvious to us that the law of attraction isn't just I want this and this is how I'm going to get it and poof it's there. No, it is mor like, just visualize the desire realize it happening, and allow life's opportunities to arrive. Recognize them, and act on them, despite fear, doubt, or what the world might think is crazy.

There can be no doubt. When you see what you want you must believe in your own mind that it is yours, just keep seeing it and believing.
It will come to you.
Don't give up and yes, be patient. Maybe it is true that you are not yet ready for what you are seeing and must learn more experiencial lessons.

Our mistakes in life will teach these to us.

I love how the whole manifesting through the power of source works...

How the law of attracting this source of creation into our life really is an absolute law.

Try it. It works for you, too. smile

Visit us at:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wonderful turn of events for you both! Congratulations. I was wondering whether blind people such as yourself would appreciate people with sight posting blogs with sound voice-overs, so that the content is less impersonal? I write a humour blog discussing health matters and draw upon my on film and television sets for a lot of my humourous anecdotes. I do advocate products that are of excellent quality and not too expensive, as everyone I know is wither laid off or someone in their family is laid of and they are helping thme out. So I am not saying that I don't have a financial interest in posting my blog, but I also like to entertain people, and apparently I am a pretty good story-teller. I don't mind if people just come to my site for a chuckle. After all, laughter can be the best medicine, as they say. Please let me know what you think, and you are most welcome to check out my site, but I can see by the date of your last post that you are busy with your new-found love! I don't spam, so just let me know if you would like the URL. It is called Over The Hill Health Matters, if you would like to google it and let me know what you think. Thanks ever so much.
My sister and her hubby are living in London and have been for the past five years, much to my mother's chagrin, as she and my father immigrated to Canada, with me, back in 1957. Now her baby has gone back "home". They like England very much and we have a lot of relatives there and in Eire, so she is not alone over there, by any means. How are you finding life in Britain? -- Pat Franczyk