Saturday, April 21, 2007

The Truth About Enlightenment

I had a bit of a brain blast a while ago. A
brain blast is something that happens to the
mind when it is getting a message of the truth. Something that's there and just won't go away.
The little knowing that just persistently is
telling us the answer to whatever we are
questioning. We will most always bypass this
sort of voice, and goe directly to another part
of the brain, which questions this thought, and
wants to know "why, I don't like that idea
because That sounds like a lot of work,,"
The fact of life is that we must work at something to survive and get the things in life we want. One big secret that I learned is that work is not like work at all if we love what we do!

Basically, I feel that if not properly
maintained, the body and spirit become lazy. We want to
find an easier way. This agrees with new
technologies that allow us to become as lazy as
we want. Food additives, chemicals, and simple
lack of our bodies fuels, cause this tendency as
well. . We say, I will pay something or someone to
do it for me. This is of course because I can
go to work to make money to buy all the things
that will make it easier for me.
Meanwhile, blood pressures rise, and disease
sets in mainly due to stress. 80% of all disease
and illness is due to stress. Are we that blind that we don't see the simple truth? Well, I was, and I can see
clearly, now, that the only solution, is to wake up
and find what I really love. In doing this I am becoming balanced and enlightened.

I can Find true vision, even
if I can't physically see. The truth is the
only constant in the universe and we all need to see it as it really is if we want to
survive all this insanity in the world.

All insanity is, is the act of repeating the
same action over and over expecting to get
different results. Quite simple, really, right?
Just stop doing what doesn't work.
No, not easy perhaps, but, yes, simple.Most of us when we do
not listen to this enlightenment, knowledge of
the truth, will become creatures of habit. A
natural occurrence, they say.
Well, this is only true since the time we
have become civilized in the sense of rulers
conquering and having visions of overpowering
the world. They will convince the population
that they are safe, and we will protect and take
care of you as long as you bow down to us. In other words, there is always a want for control and power.
I am getting a real strong truth that this is
not the way that works. thousands of years,
hundreds of thousands of years, who knows, maybe
even millions of years have passed with this
problem happening over and over.
Why am I ramblin' about this? Not really
sure, just that maybe I wish for a place where
the idea gets back to family, community, and
helping your neighbor, just because you
A place away from the constant insanity of the world.

A place where each individual is taught self-reliance, confidence, living passionately, and most of all, enlightened to the truth.

It can never happen unless the truth gets
fully exposed , and we realize, that we have the
ultimate power of thought. These thoughts become
actions against anything but self reliance. We
must as individuals be responsible for
ourselves. If physically unable, we depend upon
support of others until we find a way to again
become self reliant. At the end of days on
earth, our spirit can rest that it has completed
its task and goes home. Collectively, this
thought starts to listen to the truth, and
begins to take care of business. The business of
becoming the stewards of our spirits, and
respecting the earth. It will take each of us a
bit of work to change ourselves,
but the only requirement to be able to do it, is
to become open-minded and start to *really* be honest with ourselves and find the truth.

To learn more about how our nature is to see things as we want to instead of how they really are:
Click Here: www.The Nature of Personal Reality

It will take a while to download the whole movie to watch.

full version of Endgame by Alex Jones at

To download and view later, heres the Download link:

The title of the video is End Games and it was made by Alex Jones.

If you want to spread this message to make a change in the world as it may be becoming, you can purchase and then freely distribute this movie as you wish, fromPrison Planet

It is important not to take information about the truth as something to fear. Instead we should just always be prepared that we can first emotionally and then physically be able to survive *any* possible emergency in life.

I have a site I have built at

If you or someone you know has vision problems of any kind, visit and see what's developing.

You will find ways on this sight to regain lost vision.

Visit A place for new vision:

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Lose Fear

I have been watching the news for a few hours during the day, today. Listening to Geraldo pound judgement on a man who is really a boy at heart. A small, scared, sick, possibly, or probably, insane little child.

Regardless of the feelings of any one in the world - each person is entitled to their opinion. Debate is a wonderful thing. But opinion has it's place. It's place should not be so blatently widespread on television. At least it should not be in the news. The media want to electrify the people who watch; really get to their emotion, instead of getting to the facts. It's purely for entertainment and generating chaos. It almost breeds the illness which is rampant throughout our population.

The illness of fear. I believe that fear is the root of all, so called evil. All of our bad, or destructive behaviors come from this fear.

Fear of all the terror surrounding us. Our instinct as self aware beings is to become defensive, and say "I'm not afraid, it's just ...". Not Everyone is born and raised in this fear. The happy, joyous, and free people don't. Don't think they are not there. All anyone has to do is really look around. Who do you think emergency workers and the heroes are in something like what happened at Virginia Tech.
They are the self-confident, fearless people in the world, that stand up and do their part to help another.

If you learn how to really become open minded about the fact that that boy did what he did, and all the chatter and hatred about what he did will not change it. It will continue to become more of a common occurance, unless we get to the bottom of why it happened on a mor realistic level.

More realistic in a way such as, most young people today have no idea what real love and acceptance is. Cho Seung-Hui is a classic example of how no one has the time to get to the root of his insecurities, and it literally escalates to a point of exploding in a hateful destructive manner. Some will argue, he should be responsible for seeking help. Well, most of us do not voluntarily seek therapy. It is a sometimes social stigma. It has gotten better, in large cities such as Los Angeles, or New Yourk City, but I believe it may not be as common in most communities.
Some organizations and institutions tend to promote status, and competition. they lose touch with the individual's ability to love and help others for the right reasons. .

It has been stated in the news, that people noticed this young man's problems, and chose not to get involved.

We can not "fix" people or make them drink when led to water, but we must do *something*!

We can not sit back and not become involved in helping another person in the world somehow. We can not do this until we find good intention and purpose in our own lives.

Take one look at the "man in the mirror" and ask if he listened to someone who needs to be listened to and affirmed today?

A great book I found to show you how to find the time to help others, is called

"Take Time For Your Life" by Cheryl Richardson

The book helps one balance his life and find peace if he stays open minded to suggestion. Suggestion from those around us that have what we really want...

Thursday, April 12, 2007

The Real Secret

Today, I know how to be and I do practice being happy, self reliant and joyous. Quite an accomplishment for

a totally blind, never before successful, ex- crack addict.

I know the undebatable truth about the secret to finding your happiness.

I can tell you very simply, that the secret to success is all about finding what your passion is. Your "gift". Your

purpose in your life. Everyone has one. Some are for good, some not so good.

When we hear "He did that on purpose!" We automatically think that person did something bad.

The true meaning of the phrase is to do something on do something with a reason

behind it.

Again, either good or bad. My way to this finally defined purpose is a good one, and as soon as I

decided and figured out how to do this, it has been all smooth sailing.

Every event in my life sort of came together in this vision of purpose, and I just followed along on this

path of passionately getting into my dream to make it happen. It grows daily, and ultimately will

become what I'm envisioning.

It happens, and I can't stop it. I know they're all talking about having me locked up for being

unreasonable, yeah, let's call it what it is... Crazy. They can not believe how high my goals are set.

My old self wants to feel disbelief, but can not. The agreement has been made in my heart to try and

continue on a mission of helping others. I am set to help only those sent my way, and who can

understand that I understand. I understand only because I have lived what they are living. There will

be most that I can not help, and probably not meant to. Everyone gets their messages of truth in a

different way. Some through a special person, some through an experience that leaves a great

impression in their life, some will learn through the most unusual means.

Have you ever had something happen that turns your world upside down, then later becomes a great

blessing in your life? Sometimes we must wait to know "why" something happens. There is usually a

message in everything in life. If there isn't, one can be almost made up.

What I mean by this is I know I must look at everything in a positive manner. Looking at the other

side creates failure.

For me, it doesn't matter if it all comes about like I dream. If my purpose is to help just one person on

this earth, and I am enjoying doing what I do, then

I have succeeded!

I love what countless teachers and authors say about the "secret". The mind can think something

into existance... I don't think it works until one finds their real purpose. Everyone has a gift and

passion for something. I'm not the first one to come along and try to sell you on how simple it can be

if you follow their exact directions. They will never work like they are supposed to.

Not until you can honestly sell what your trying to sell. You have to love what you are *telling*

people that you love. No one is going to buy something from, you until you can truly show that you

stand behind it.

I know a cab driver by day, that sells cigars on the internet as his passion. To some not a very honorable profession, for others an enjoyable past time. He never has to touch the product. He

took something that he has a passion about, and brought all the available brands of cigars to one

site to provide cigar smokers with information about its pleasure, and the product itself, brought right to his

customers door. He provides information on what makes a good cigar, gives special discounts for

his frequent customers.

Another young man took his passion for becoming a radio DJ, and is starting his own internet radio


A product can be an actual product, service, or even advice or wisdom.

Everyone has to sell something. You can only be successful and truly passionate once you find out

your true purpose. You can find it today. Just sit down and think of what gives you that fuzzy feeling

in your tummy... not the one you get after eating something bad...

You find that feeling of love in your heart and you figure out a way to hang out with the people that

do what you really want to do. This usually takes some time and effort on your part, but when the

love for that dream is there, it doesn't matter.

You have to let go of fear of losing something. You don't really have anything, anyway. You think you

own that big beautiful house? Wait until the first time you can't pay your taxes. Just an example,

but real things happen, like me going blind. I never would have expected that my life would be like it

is, today.

I had to be willing to believe that all those successful, happy, rich, truly inspirational people were no

different than me.

Often people meet me and say " I could never handle going blind! "

I can only say, " You never know what you can handle until it gets here "

We must not worry about what has not happened yet. According to this great secret, by worrying

about something, you think it into existence. Yeah, again crazy but *how do we know?!* I, myself, I

had to become willing to believe that I did not know it all, and there is no way for me to be sure of a

damned thing.

I have learned, however, that I can have fun with building my vision.

Please visit me and my blind angels in making a miracle...

Visit and see what we have to add to the meaning of vision.