Sunday, October 28, 2007

Guess What? You're Happy

Each person has his own path to love and peace in the true sense of the words. Not love and peace like in

the 70s, but a more practical realistic , and mind altering substanceless, way of becoming conscious and

aware. Conscious and aware of one’s own ability to create happiness on a continuous basis.

Sounds impossible, I know, but absolutely true!

Each and every one of us is born of the circumstances under which we were created. In other words, we

have a core being that can not be changed, but can be conditioned in a way to be completely balanced in whatever the world may bring.

The conditions of circumstance can be as horrible as a birth defect, or as simple as having the genes of an

angry German.

If self-awareness, and consciousness is nurtured from birth, our core being grows basically in spirit and

therefore consciousness exists. When the opposite happens, and a baby at any point is not taught these

things, he becomes unbalanced by merely reacting to a fearful, or threatening occurance in his life. He

sees things from a different and untrue perception. He becomes threatened that something is going to be

taken, or fearful that he is not going to get his way or what he wants.
If this imbalance happens, We must be inspired to believe the truth that things aren’t really like they seem.

To see our truth as it really is, we only must work with some sort of spirit, or such to make us go. We may

kind of need a purpose, or a reason to keep going. Otherwise, it seems senseless. Senselessness creates

depression and despair in the human mind.

We must have a way to find a reason to keep going.

The best and quickest path to finding this “inspiration” or spirit, is truth. This is why Jesus called himself

“the truth and the way”. Now, don’t run away, I am not asking you to even consider believing in Him, if you


The way refers to the path; the path of truth.
Most believe this means we must bow down and worship Christ as a “god” or God, himself. No, not at all,

but I believe instead The claim can be understood to be this: how he is, the sinless being, is the way to

peace and love.

The word sinless is often misused. To be sinless, is to be impeccable. It means to say what you mean and

mean what you say. Be without blame. Keep your word, or do your best to do so. Be who you say you are. Learn always to

tell the truth. Often times, we don’t see that we lie to ourselves or others. When someone tells us the

truth about ourselves, we jump to the defense, not realizing that if we are open about the idea, there may

be a little truth to it.

Now of course we can rarely be sinless like Jesus. Whether real or only a story of morality, makes no

difference what you believe, he is the true model of love and peace. We must only wish to be like him and

we will automatically always want to live like his teachings say.

This idea of spirit ends up being born from our gift we give back to life if we choose to. Otherwise

known as free will. When we free our will, we realize we don’t want the stress, anger, frustration, and

chaos we have in our lives. The process of removing these things will usually be a long and sort of painful

thing to do. In the end, however, all the negative is gone. It doesn’t come back because we continue to

go to bed each night and recall any misdeeds we did that day, and go back and make it right ASAP.

We then never have to go to bed with anything but sweet dreams and visions in our heads.

When we find what truly makes our hearts sing, we truly find our gift and purpose. Then
guess what? … You’re happy.

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